
Showing posts from November, 2017

My First Conference: A Flurry of Otters

Monterey, CA I always wondered what my first conference experience would be like. I had previously attended various symposia, presenting posters along the way but I had always wondered what it would be like to present at a week's worth of conference. My opportunity finally arrived when I received confirmation that I had received a student award to attend the 68th Aeroballistic Range Association meeting in Monterey, CA in mid September. As you can imagine, I was tremendously excited to both present at my first conference; a one which I had been informed was both friendly and intimate, consisting of 60 or so delegates, far less intimidating than a much larger and also to visit California, as I had previously never visited the West coast of the United States. I arrived at the first day of the conference apprehensive but excited to gain an insight into work within my field, especially for future job prospects, from researchers of various backgrounds around ballistics and t